Sunday, January 6, 2008

I finally got the Internet working on my Wii

I cannot connect to the Forecast channel and the News channel on my Wii menu. I keep receiving the error message that " Wiiconnect24 is not switched on. Error Code: 109139." and "Wiiconnect24 is not available.."
Didn't know I have to switch the country to United States for them to work. Now it's working. So is my Shopping Channel and I downloaded 2 free channels "Everybody vote" channel and one "show mii" channel... Haha!

Want to surf internet on Wii though... like can watch Youtube on TV. PS3 was able to do that.. and it's good. But Wii you gotta download this Internet Channel by Opera. It used to be free download for people before June 2007! But I only got mine after, so I now have to pay about 500 Wii points, think it's about 5 USD to get it! Argh... so irritating...

One more advantage of the PS3 system compared to Wii, the internet browser is free........ would be great if I could surf net on tv...............

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